Decision Table Testing

This method is used to test the software for various combinations of input or events based on which behaviour of the system changes.

It is also known as cause-effect table.

Example: Form to schedule appointments with a doctor

Required Details : First name , Last name , Email , Phone number & Appointment date/time.

Scenario - 1

Fill the form with required details of your first and last name, email, phone number and appointment date/time correctly without omitting any of the above fields.

First name : Dhanush

Last name : Raja

Email :

Phone number : 78215-57854

Appointment Date/Time : 18/12-5:00 pm , 18/12-6:00 pm , 18/12-7:00pm [Select any one of the date/time]


The appointment is scheduled for the respected time and date. [i.e. successful]

Scenario - 2

Fill the form with required details of your first name, email, phone number and appointment date and time with omitting the last name field blank.

First name : Dhanush

Last name : -------

Email :

Phone number : 78215-57854

Appointment Date/Time : 18/12-5:00 pm , 18/12-6:00 pm , 18/12-7:00pm [Select any one of the date/time]


All fields are mandatory. Please fill the last name. [i.e. unsuccessful]

Scenario - 3

Fill the form with required details of your last name, email, phone number and appointment date and time with omitting the first name field blank.

First name : ------

Last name : Raja

Email :

Phone number : 78215-57854

Appointment Date/Time : 18/12-5:00 pm , 18/12-6:00 pm , 18/12-7:00pm [Select any one of the date/time]


All fields are mandatory. Please fill the first name. [i.e. unsuccessful]

Scenario - 4

Fill the form with required details of your first and last name, phone number and appointment date and time with the incorrect email id.

First name : Dhanush

Last name : Raja

Email :

Phone number : 78215-57854

Appointment Date/Time : 18/12-5:00 pm , 18/12-6:00 pm , 18/12-7:00pm [Select any one of the date/time]


Please enter a valid Email id. This leads to enter the details from the first.

Scenario - 5

Fill the form with required details of your first and last name, email id and appointment date and time with the incorrect phone number by entering just 9 or 11 numbers.

First name : Dhanush

Last name : Raja

Email :

Phone number : 78215-7854 OR 782156-78543

Appointment Date/Time : 18/12-5:00 pm , 18/12-6:00 pm , 18/12-7:00pm [Select any one of the date/time]


Please enter a valid phone number. This also leads to enter the details from the first.

Scenario - 6

Fill the form with required details of your first and last name, email id, phone number and giving the appointment date wrongly yesterday's date.

First name : Dhanush

Last name : Raja

Email :

Phone number : 78215-57854

Appointment Date/Time : 21/12-5:00 pm

{Available 22/12-5:00pm , 23/12-6:00pm}


Please choose another date for the appointment. [i.e. unsuccessful]

Scenario - 7

Fill the form with required details of your first & last name, email id, phone number and appointment date and incorrectly giving the time which is almost full.

First name : Dhanush

Last name : Raja

Email :

Phone number : 78215-57854

Appointment Date/Time : 22/12-5:30pm

{Available 22/12-5:00pm , 23/12-6:00pm}


Please choose the available time for the appointment. [i.e. unsuccessful]

Testing New Mobile App


Basic users can only access to the limited features of the app

  • Can access to the features which is free, if they select the feature which should be paid then the output will be "Subscribe to Watch or Use the feature"

  • They will be seeing the advertisements for each click, Output will be "Video will start after ad" OR "Subscribe to enjoy without ADS"

  • While opening the app , the subscription plans will be shown like

    --> Rs 250/month [only mobile]

    --> Rs 500/month [2 Mobiles & Laptop]

    --> Rs 1000/month [4 Mobiles & Laptop]

Premium users can access all features

  • Can access to the features which comes under the subscription plan.

  • Cannot able to change the app settings, if we try the output will be "You can't access this item".

  • Exceeds the download limit, Output is "Reached the download limit".

  • Try to use in more than two devices, then "Already signed in two device, try logging out and continue".

  • Try to change the font or colour, then pop-up message appears as "Unauthorised to change the respected feature".

Admin user have access to all advanced features

  • Try to change the font or colour, then the output will be "successfully changed".

  • Downloading more games or videos, there is no issue for admin users "Successfully downloaded".

  • In more than 2 devices can be used, it will ask "Username & Password"

    after giving it will be opened and say "Successfully log in".

Scenario - 2

To create an account in the new app, Username & Password must be given to verify.

  • After giving certain username, if it is available then "Successfully created account" OR if it is not available then "This username already taken, Try another".

  • For creating passwords there are certain rules you should follow to make it more complex. It should contain

    • Min 8 to Max 15 characters

    • One uppercase and lowercase letter

    • One symbol

    • One number

--> If you put password as spiderman51, then "Password must contain at least one uppercase and symbol".

--> If you put password as SPDERMAN51, then "Password must contain at least one lowercase and symbol".

--> If you put password as Spiderman51, then "Password must contain at least one symbol".

--> If you put password as Spiderman@51, then "Account created successfully".

--> If you put password as Spy@51, then "Password must contain at least 8 characters".

  • After successfully created account, then pop-up should be "Confirmation has sent to registered mail".

  • To delete the account, the output will be "To confirm its you, enter username and password".

Scenario - 3

While using the app the performance should be good.

  • If the app used by 'n' number of users then the output should be "Server is Busy, try again sometime".

  • User trying to click restricted feature, then "Unauthorised access".

  • If the app is slow, then "Please wait loading your contents".

These problems should be fixed before deployment for the app to perform seamlessly without any crashes or delay or performances issue.